Monday, November 15, 2010

For the Facing of This Hour

I referred in a previous post to attending different breeds of churches through the years.  I grew up Baptist and attended Baptist churches until I married my husband, the interloper.  As anyone who knows anything about Baptists knows, there are many different families in the Baptist tribe.  My earliest years were in Southern Baptist churches.  Fourth grade through high school (and then summers at home) were spent in a fundamentalist independent Baptist church associated with what was then called the Baptist Bible Fellowship.  (I have no idea whether they still call themselves that.)  I attended a Southern Baptist college and so attended SBC churches through college and until I married.

Because we were independent Baptists, we did not use the Baptist Hymnal. This departure from and then return to the Baptist Hymnals had a noticeable effect on my knowledge base in regard to hymns.  We sang things in the independent church that weren't in the Baptist Hymnal, and when I got to college I found myself singing things that I vaguely remembered from young childhood but hadn't sung for nearly 10 years. 

And then there were, of course, songs that were part of the Baptist Hymnal that I had probably never sung in my life or at least had entirely forgotten.  One of these was "God of Grace and God of Glory," by Henry Emerson Fosdick.

This hymn was one that struck a chord with me at once.  Something about both language and melody just grabbed me. (We didn't sing "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah," to this tune or any other, in the BBF church, so the tune was new to me as well.) 

The first time I stayed at school long enough after May finals to attend commencement, I learned that "God of Grace and God of Glory" was the hymn used each year at graduation.  I found that very touching, and of course having the song associated with a tradition from a beloved institution only endeared it to me more.

I also thought that whoever selected it as the commencement hymn chose well.  What an appropriate thought for those getting ready to move into a new phase of life:

God of grace and God of glory,

On Thy people pour Thy power.

Crown Thine ancient church’s story,
Bring her bud to glorious flower.

Grant us wisdom, grant us courage,

For the facing of this hour,

For the facing of this hour.

As life goes on, I have, of course, met with many more times that required a blessing of wisdom and courage in order to face the hour.  So far, most of mine have related to the work of parenting. But the thought is appropriate to so many situations. Economic recession.  Political change. Loss of loved ones. War. Job loss. Uncertain health. 

And perhaps facing uncertain times with wisdom and courage is not important only for ourselves.  What we believe lived out in how we behave will affect how the Lord's church is perceived.  Wisdom and faith and courage as we face the challenging hour will show His power and bring glory to the Lord. 

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